現職: | 中山醫學大學附設醫院 放射腫瘤科主任 |
專長: | 腫瘤學,放射生物,放射物理 |
執行臨床試驗案件數(近五年): | 1件 |
聯繫方式: | 聯繫電話:04-2473-9595#32040 聯繫信箱:lee.yuehchun@gmail.com |
近五年論文著作 |
《2024》楊蕙芳、李岳駿Radiation Oncology 2024 Jun 11;19(1):73 Impactof background music listening on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing initial radiation therapy: a randomized clinical trial 《2022》Wen-Ling Wang、李岳駿、張文瑋 Journal of Functional Foods 2022;99:105338 Stigmasterol inhibits cancer stem cell activity in endometrial cancer by repressing IGF1R/mTOR/AKT pathway 《2020》王文玲、李岳駿 Cancers 2020 Dec 15;12(12):3785 Tribbles Pseudokinase 3 Contributes to Cancer Stemness of Endometrial Cancer Cells by Regulating β-Catenin Expression 《2020》林立青、李岳駿、張文瑋 International journal of medical sciences 2020; 17(14):2214-2224 NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 determines radiosensitivity of triple negative breast cancer cells and is controlled by long non-coding RNA NEAT1 《2019》李岳駿、Wen-Wei Chang、Bing-Yen Wang Cancers 2019; 11(2). pii: E127. Tribbles Homolog 3 Involved in Radiation Response of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Regulating Notch1 Activation 《2019》林雅琪、李岳駿 BMC BIOINFORMATICS 2019,20:372.1-6 Analysis of common targets for circular RNAs 《2019》吳俊玠、李岳駿 台灣放射腫瘤學會Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2019;3:17 Recurrent diffuse-type tenosynovial giant cell tumor of the left ankle: a case report |