Cytotoxicity and ApoptoticMechanismof 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate via Genotoxicity and the Mitochondrial-Dependent Intrinsic Caspase Pathway and Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Accumulation in Macrophages

1.研究結果: The results showed that HEMA induced cell toxicity in RAW264.7 macrophages depending on the concentration. A higher HEMA concentration was associated with a higher level of apoptosis and genotoxicity.Moreover, HEMA induced a concentration-dependent increase in mitochondrial dysfunction and the intrinsic caspase pathway, including the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9. HEMA wRead More…


1.研究結果: 在 12 年的追蹤期間,HPV 感染的患者其pSS發生風險比(aHR)顯著高於非 HPV 對照組(aHR=1.64,95% CI=1.47-1.83,P<0.001 。pSS的風險隨著年齡的增長而增加,對於 45 歲以上的人,風險增加了 2.64 倍(95% CI = 2.37-2.93)。 超過 12 個月的HPV 感染與 pSS 風險之間關連仍顯著存在(aHR=1.63, 95%CI=1.45-1.83, P&lRead More…


1.研究結果: 飲酒與頸部雙肩疼痛密切相關,皆為工作相關倦怠的獨立風險因素。中介模型表明,使用酒精的人應對頸部雙肩疼痛或經常飲酒的頸雙肩疼痛患者會造成工作相關倦怠的惡化並導致肌肉骨骼疼痛和酗酒的惡性循環。因此,醫療機構應積極鼓勵員工戒酒或適度飲酒。特別是,患有頸部及雙肩Read More…


1.研究結果: 口腔黏膜纖維化症為一種口腔癌發生之癌前病變,目前仍缺乏完全根治的治療方式。微型RNA在纖維化進程扮演重要角色,其致病機制主要在於與標靶基因轉錄子3’UTR 之結合而抑制其功能。本計畫結果發現微型RNA miR-21於口腔黏膜下纖維化症組織會高度表現且與PDCD4表現有負相關性,過度表�Read More…


1.研究結果: 結果顯示,共有178名男性(63.6%)及102名女性(36.4%)納入為受試者,平均年齡為67.3 ± 16.9歲。成功脫離呼吸器之組別的患者於拔管期間傾向於達到理想體重之目標,而脫離失敗之組別則無此現象。(BMI分別為23.9 ± 5.0 和22.7 ± 4.8 kg/m2, p < 0.001)。兩組患者於訓練起始時接受同樣的營養支持,但結�Read More…


1.研究結果: 白色念珠菌是侵襲性念珠菌感染 (ICI)的主要病原體(74.29%)。被感染之後,患者併發菌血症機會更高(p < 0.001),並且會延長呼吸器使用時間(p < 0.001)加護病房(p < 0.001)和整體住院天數(p < 0.001),也會增加死亡率(p = 0.02)。在多變量分析中,入院時測量的血清乳酸水平 (laRead More…

Long-term cardiovascular outcomes in COVID-19 survivors among non-vaccinated population: A retrospective cohort study from the TriNetX US collaborative networks

1.研究結果: 相較於未感染過COVID-19的個案, COVID-19感染的患者在腦血管疾病(如中風)、心律失常相關疾病(例如心房顫動)、炎症性心臟病(如心肌炎) 、缺血性心臟疾病 (如缺血性心肌病)、其他心臟疾病(如心力衰竭) 和血栓栓塞性疾病(例如肺栓塞)以及重大心血管事件 (MACEs)的發生風險顯著增加。COVIDRead More…


1.研究結果: Pretreatment with fucoxanthin inhibited histopathological changes in lung tissues and neutrophil infiltration into bronchoalveolar lavage fluid induced by LPS in ALI mice. Moreover, LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokine expression and neutrophil infiltration were inhibited by fucoxanthin in a concentration-dependent manner. Pretreatment of mice with fucoxanthin inhibited NF-κB pRead More…

Cytotoxicity and ApoptoticMechanismof 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate via Genotoxicity and the Mitochondrial-Dependent Intrinsic Caspase Pathway and Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species Accumulation in Macrophages

1.研究結果: The results showed that HEMA induced cell toxicity in RAW264.7 macrophages depending on the concentration. A higher HEMA concentration was associated with a higher level of apoptosis and genotoxicity.Moreover, HEMA induced a concentration-dependent increase in mitochondrial dysfunction and the intrinsic caspase pathway, including the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9. HEMA wRead More…


1.研究結果: 在 12 年的追蹤期間,HPV 感染的患者其pSS發生風險比(aHR)顯著高於非 HPV 對照組(aHR=1.64,95% CI=1.47-1.83,P<0.001 。pSS的風險隨著年齡的增長而增加,對於 45 歲以上的人,風險增加了 2.64 倍(95% CI = 2.37-2.93)。 超過 12 個月的HPV 感染與 pSS 風險之間關連仍顯著存在(aHR=1.63, 95%CI=1.45-1.83, P&lRead More…