2023.03.23The recommended description of an entrustable professional activity AMEE Guide No 140/陳麒安醫師
2023.04.20The assessment of learning outcomes for the competent and reflective physician AMEE Guide No25/蘇耿儀醫師
2023.05.18Continuous enhancement of educational quality fostering a quality culture AMEE Guide No147/楊閔皓醫師
2023.06.29Appraising the use of smartphones and apps when conducting qualitative medical education research AMEE Guide No 130/賴韋丞醫師
2023.07.24Learner involvement in the co-creation of teaching and learning AMEE Guide No 138/陳昕臨醫師
2023.08.24Producing a socially accountable medical school AMEE 109/張正辰醫師
2023.09.21Supporting a teacher identity in health professions education AMEE Guide No 132/高潘福醫師
2023.11.23General overview of the theories used in assessment AMEE no 57/蘇倍慶醫師
2023.12.15Peer assisted learning A planning and implementation framework AMEE Guide no 30/黃俐慈醫師
2023.12.28Program evaluation models and related theories AMEE Guide No 67/宋文瑋醫師
2022/01/20How to measure the quality of the OSCE A review of metrics AMEE guide no 49
2022/02/24Residents as teachers Near peer learning in clinical work settings AMEE Guide No. 106/胡雅淳醫師
2022/03/17Using focus groups in medical education research AMEE Guide No. 91/何啟中醫師
2022/04/14Learning in interprofessional teams AMEE Guide no 38/楊博仁醫師
2022/05/26Building bridges between theory and practice in medical education using a design based research approach AMEE Guide/洪毓謙醫師
2022/06/23Developing questionnaires for educational research AMEE Guide No. 87/王唯堯醫師
2022/07/28Applying sport psychology to improve clinical performance/廖啟佑醫師
2022/08/25Team-based learning a practical guide AMEE 65/曹傑漢醫師
2022/09/22Self-authorship theory and medical education AMEE Guide No. 98/江彥澄醫師
2022/10/27Frameworks for learner assessment in medicine AMEE no 78/呂育碩醫師
2022/11/17Integrating professionalism into the curriculum AMEE 61/紀心怡醫師
2022/12/29Curriculum development for the workplace using Entrustable Professional Activities EPAs AMEE Guide No 99/柯端英醫師


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