
醫師姓名:巫康熙 (Wu, Kang-Hsi) 
•中華民國兒童癌症基金會學術小組委員會 委員
•中華民國兒童癌症基金會台灣兒童癌症研究群 顧問醫師
•台灣血液及骨髓移植學會專科醫師甄審委員會/編輯委員會 委員             
•台灣兒科醫學會 學術節目委員會委員
•台灣兒科醫學會 兒科最前線雜誌執行主編
•兒童惡性及良性腫瘤 (包括不明腫塊/腫瘤、血管瘤)
•血液疾病 (包括貧血、紫斑症、白血球過高/過低)
•小兒疾病 (包括不明原因發燒)
•骨髓移植 (包括臍帶血移植、周邊造血幹細胞移植骨髓移植)
•中國醫藥大學 醫學士
•中山醫學大學附設醫院 兒童血液腫瘤科主任
•台大醫院兒科部 小兒血液腫瘤科研究醫師
•中國醫藥大學兒童醫院 兒童血液腫瘤科主任
•中國醫藥大學兒童醫院 兒童腫瘤委員會 主任委員
•中國醫藥大學附設醫院 檢驗醫學部血庫主任
•中國醫藥大學兒童醫院 血液腫瘤病房 病房主任
•中國醫藥大學附設醫院 組織庫暨血液幹細胞研究室顧問醫師
•中國醫藥大學附設醫院 移植委員會/輸血委員會/組織庫委員會/
病房管理委員會/安寧療護委員會 委員
•中國醫藥大學 學士後中醫學系 系主任
•中華民國關懷腦瘤兒童協會 顧問醫師
•中華民國喜願協會 顧問醫師
•台灣兒科醫學會 專科醫師甄選委員會 委員
父子同心同”髓”希戰勝兒童高惡性腫瘤 (2020)
中山附醫成立血液病中心 患者以歌聲和吉他演奏祝賀 (2020)
兒童安寧!哈韓少女印手模留父母含笑離世 (2020)
印傭幼女罹血癌台灣老闆這麼做暖哭眾人 (2020)
醫學突破免侵入偵測心臟、肝臟鐵質沈積量 (2020)
幫五月大嬰兒洗澡摸到腫塊 竟是肝母細胞癌 (2016)
國三女戰勝惡性淋巴癌 榮獲總統教育獎 (2016)
血癌小鬥士變白衣天使 她立志守護癌童 (2015)
「光頭甭吹髮」童樂觀抗癌 (2014)
賣餅罕見血液病童出院 好想上學 (2014)
捐幹細胞救人 新捐髓技術無後遺症 (2013)
全球首例 臍帶間質幹細胞-救血液病患 移植7天就能造血 (2011)
921災民救血癌女 難扛醫費 (2010)
該為寶寶存臍帶血嗎? (2008)
來台換骨髓 蘇丹男童開心返家 (2008)
慈母捐隨救重病愛女 配對僅6成吻合 國內首例成功 (2005)
【全國首例】罹惡性神經母細胞癌 靠臍帶血自救
首例 自存臍帶血 義捐救命 (2007)
抗癌少女 病史編成舞 (2007)
母吃泡麵省錢籌血癌兒醫費 (2007)
• 幹細胞簡介 從造血幹細胞到間質幹細胞

•2012 & 2018年中國醫藥大學附設醫院傑出醫師
•2003 & 2004年中國醫藥大學附設醫院優良醫師
  Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cells and Cancer Research
•12th International Conference on Oral Chelation 
  in the Treatment of Thalassaemia and Other Diseases (2002) 
•2019年中華民國私立教育事業會 資深暨優良教師獎
•科技部(國科會) 2014、2015、2018、2019年複審會委員

(一)兒童癌症: 對各種兒童癌症有先進的治療和深入的研究
•曾刊於世界頂尖期刊Journal of Clinical Oncology(發表於2002impact factor: 32.956)
•多篇血癌相關研究,用第二代標靶藥,成功治痊費城染色體急性淋巴性白血病骨髓移植後復發 (發表於Pediatr Blood Cancer 2013)
•發現世界第一位陰莖淋巴癌病童,也成功治療,沒有後遺症 (發表於J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2006)
(二). 骨髓移植: 不但有高的成功率,發表多篇造血幹細胞移植
• 如何加速臍帶血移植造血功能的恢復 (發表於Transplantation 2013)
•自體臍帶血移植(發表於Bone Marrow Transplant 2013)
•移植後排斥的治療 (發表於Transplantation 2011; Medicine 2017)
(發表於Pediatr Infect Dis J 2014),且被知名感染科教科書”熱病”引用
•黴菌感染的處理 (發表於Pediatr Transplant 2012; Ital J Pediatr 2016)
(三). 血液疾病 (海洋性貧血、再生不良性貧血、血小板低下紫斑症、
•海洋性貧血: 發表數十篇海洋性貧血相關研究,不但臨床幫助台灣病患,也幫助相同疾病的國際病人。合併使用排鐵劑,成功救治重度海洋性貧血病患的嚴重心臟併發症,不但幫助這死亡率極高的問題,也獲世界很大回響。 
(發表於Ann Hematol 2004; Ann Hematol 2020)
•再生不良性貧血: 從基礎到治療,發表多篇再生不良性貧血的深入研究。並深入研究間質幹細胞在再生不良性貧血的角色,不但是這方面的pioneer,也獲世界肯定
(發表於Ann Hematol 2010; Pediatr Blood Cancer 2018)
•血小板低下紫斑症: 發現兒童免疫血小板低下紫斑症和基因有關,發表於世界知名的期刊 (發表於Br J Haematol 2005)
•輸血醫學: 發現台灣特有的紅血球抗體,anti-Mia會造成嚴重新生兒黃疸 (世界第二例,發表於Transfus Med 2002)
(四). 幹細胞: 為間質幹細胞研究的pioneer
•世界第一位將臍帶間質幹細胞應用到人體上,證明其安全有效(發表於Transplantation 2011)
•發現黃其萃取物(PG2)可加速間質幹細胞的生長,並加強免疫抑制效果 (發表於J Ethnopharmacol 2017)
(五)小兒科學: 和小兒科醫生合作,發表許多兒科相關的研究,如感染,免疫力低下,急重症..等

•海洋性貧血是什麼?(出版社: 合記書局有限公司)
•關於地中海型貧血 (出版社: 藝軒圖書出版社)

國際會議邀請演講(invited speaker)
•Thalassemia and Aplastic Anemia: From Past to Present 
(Cross-Strait Hematology Conference, 2017)
•Clinical application mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical 
cord in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 
(Perinatal Stem Cell Society Conference, USA, 2016)
•Clinical application of mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical 
cord in hematopoietic stem cell transplantion
(AsiaCORD Conference, Japan, 2013)
•Mesenchymal stem cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
(Japan-K orea-Taiwan Symposium on Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2012)
•Comparisons of suppressive effects between human fetal-type
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and bone marrow-derived MSCs
(Cross-Strait Hematology Conference, 2011)
•Cotransplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stem 
cells (Pan Pacific Symposium on Stem Cells and Cancer Research, 2008)

•從臍帶血及臍帶間質幹細胞共同培養大量人類血紅素 (2007-2008)
•人類不同來源間質幹細胞在移植抗宿主疾病的比較和機轉研究 (2011-2012)
•兒童重度再生不良性貧血病患骨髓間質幹細胞免疫調整功能和基因表現的研究 (2013-1016)
•胚胎到成體不同階段之細胞上清液免疫調整功能的比較與機轉研究 (2017-2018)
•研究人類各種胎兒組織外泌體的免疫調整功能及其機轉 (2018-2021)
•比較來自不同胎兒組織之培養清液與間質幹細胞對於敗血症動物的免疫調節潛力與機轉 (2016-2017)
•分析兒童嚴重再生不良性貧血之骨髓間質幹細胞及其培養清液 (2018-2019)
•評估兒童嚴重再生不良性貧血之間質幹細胞的改變及黃耆對幹細胞的影響 (2019-2021)
•整合台灣兒童癌症臨床治療及分子診斷: 兒童急性白血病之醫療經濟學分析(2018-2022)
•訊聯生物科技股份有限公司: 臍帶血和臍帶間質幹細胞共同移植(2007-2009) (獲經濟部工業局千萬經費補助) 
•大展生命科技股份有限公司: 缺血及缺氧性高危險妊之娠臍帶血主動留存相關醫療輔助研究 (2009/01/01-2009-12/31)
•輝瑞大藥廠股份有限公司: 一個前瞻性、開放性標示之研究:評估anidulafungin於治療侵入性念珠菌感染(包括念珠菌血症)之兒童之藥物動力學、安全性及療效 (2011-2013)
•生寶生物科技股份有限公司: 臍帶間質幹細胞治療敗血症動物的實驗和機轉分析 (2012-2013)
•台灣尖端先進生技醫藥股份有限公司: TAT-HOXB4蛋白對臍帶血增生後移植效果 (2013-2016)
•福善美錠(fosamax tablets)在乙型重度海洋性貧血病患骨質疏鬆的治療(2005)


  1. Wu KH,Chang JG, Lin M, Shih MC, Lin HC, Lee CC, Peng CT, Tsai CH. Hydrops foetalis caused by anti-mur in firstpregnancy–a case report. Transfus Med. 2002;12:325-7.
  2. Wu KH,Chu SL, Chang JG, Shih MC, Peng CT. Haemolytic disease of the newborn due tomaternal irregular antibodies in Chinese population in Taiwan. Transfus Med.2003;13:311-4.
  3. Wu KH,Tsai FJ, Peng CT. Growth hormone (GH) deficiency in patients with b-thalassemiamajor and the efficacy of recombinant GH treatment. Ann Hematol. 2003;82:637-40.
  4. WuKH, Chang JS, Tsai CH, Peng CT. Combinedtherapy with deferiprone and desferrioxamine successfully regresses severeheart failure in patients with beta-thalassemia major. Ann Hematol. 2004;83:471-3.(Times Cited: 57 from Web of Science in 2020)
  5. Wu KH,Chang JS, Su BH, Peng CT. Tricuspidregurgitation in patients with beta-thalassemia major. Ann Hematol. 2004;83:779-83. 
  6. ShihMC, Wu KH, Liu SC, Chang JG. Hb Tak: a beta chain elongation at the end of the betachain, in a Taiwanese. Hemoglobin. 2005; 29:65-7.  
  7. WuKH, Peng CT, Li TC, Wan L, Tsai CH, Lan SJ, ChangMC, Tsai FJ . Interleukin 4, interleukin 6 and interleukin 10 polymorphisms inchildren with acute and chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Br J Haematol. 2005; 128:849-52. 
  8. PengCT, Wu KH, Lan SJ, Tsai JJ, Tsai FJ, Tsai CH. Amino acid concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid inchildren with acute lymphoblastic leukemia undergoing chemotherapy. Eur JCancer. 2005; 41:1158-63.
  9. PengCT, Wu KH*, Wu SF, Liang DC, Yang CP, Jang RC, Wang LY, Hsiao CC. Deferiprone or deferoxamine vs. combination therapy inpatients with beta-thalassemia major: a case study in Taiwan. Hemoglobin. 2006;30:125-30.(*corresponding author)
  10. Kuo HT, Tsai MY, Peng CT, Wu KH.Pilot Study on “Quality of Life” as reflected by psychosocial adjustment ofchildren with thalassemia major undergoing iron-chelating treatment in westTaiwan. Hemoglobin.2006;30:291-9.
  11. Wang CH, Wu KH, Tsai FJ, Peng CT.Comparison of oral and subcutaneous iron chelation therapy in prevention ofmajor endocrinopathies in b-thalassemiamajor patients. Hemoglobin.2006;30:257-62.
  12. WuKH, Chang JG, Ho YJ, Wu SF, Peng CT.GlutathioneS-transferase M1 gene polymorphisms are associated with cardiac iron depositionin patients with b-thalassemiamajor.Hemoglobin.2006;30:251-6.
  13. HuangYC, Chang JS, Wu KH, Peng CT. Regression of myocardial dysfunctionafter switching from deferoxamine to deferiprone in b-thalassemia major patients. Hemoglobin. 2006;30:229-38.
  14. Wu SF, Peng CT, Wu KH, Tsai CH.Liverfibrosis and iron levels during long-term treatment of thalassemia majorpatients with deferiprone. Hemoglobin. 2006; 30:215-8.
  15. Chen AC, Peng CT, Wu SF, Wu KH, ChiangIP, C-H Tsai CH.Effect of deferiprone on liver iron overload and fibrosis inhepatitis C virus infected thalassemia. Hemoglobin. 2006; 30:209-14.
  16. Wei CC,Peng CT, Chiang IP, Wu KH*.Primary B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the penis in a child. J PediatrHematol Oncol. 2006; 28:479-80. (*correspondingauthor)
  17. Wu KH,Peng CT, Li TC, Wan L, Tsai CH, Tsai FJ. Interleukin 1β Exon 5 and interleukin1 receptor antagonist in children with acute and chronic immunethrombocytopenic purpura. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007; 29:305-8.
  18. Peng CTTsai CHWuKH. Effects of chelation therapy on cardiac function improvement inthalassemia patients: literature review and the Taiwanese experience. Hemoglobin.2008;32:49-62.
  19. WuSF, Chen AC, Peng CT, Wu KH*. Octreotide therapy in asparaginase-associatedpancreatitis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer.2008;51:824-5. (*corresponding author)
  20. PengCT, Chang JS, Wu KH, Tsai CH, Lin SH. Mechanisms of and obstaclesto iron cardiomyopathy in thalassemia. FrontBiosci. 2008; 13:5975-87.
  21. Lin CHWuKHLin WCTsai JDPeng CTChen AC. Granulocytic sarcoma of the colon in a child with acute myeloidleukemia presenting as hematochezia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008; 30:981-3.
  22. ChangYHShawCFWu KHHsiehKHSuYNLuPJ. Treatment with deferiprone for iron overloadalleviates bone marrow failure in a Fanconi anemia patient. Hemoglobin. 2009; 33: 346-51.
  23. Peng CTChang JSWang LYChiou SSHsiao CCWang SCHung GYWu KH*.Update on thalassemia treatment in Taiwan, including bone marrowtransplantation, chelation therapy, and cardiomyopathy treatment effects. Hemoglobin. 2009; 33:304-11. (*corresponding author)
  24. Wu KH,Wang CH, Yang YL, Peng, CT, Lin WD, Tsai FJ, Lin DT, Bau DT. Significantassociation of XRCC4 single nucleotide polymorphisms with child leukemia inTaiwan. AnticancerRes. 2010;30:529-34.
  25. Liang DC, Yang CP, Lin DT, Hung IJ, Lin KH, Chen JS,Hsiao CC, Chang TT, Peng CT, Lin MT, Chang TK, Jaing TH, Liu HC, Wang LY, YehTC, Jou ST, Lu MY, Cheng CN, Sheen JM, Chiou SS, Wu KH, Hung GY, Chen RL, Chen SH, Cheng SN, Chang YH, ChenBW, Ho WL, Wang JL, Lin ST, Hsieh YL, Wang SC, Chang HH, Yang YL, Huang FL,Chang CY, Chang WH, Lin KS. Long-term results of Taiwan pediatric oncology group studies 1997and 2002 for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 2010;24:397-405.
  26. LinCH, Lin WC, Chiang IP, Ho YJ, Peng CT, Wu KH*.Langerhans cell histiocytosis with thyroid and lung involvement in a child: acase report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010;32:309-11. (*corresponding author)
  27. Lin CH, Lin WC, Wang CH, Ho YJ, Chiang IP, Peng CT, Wu KH*. Child with ataxia telangiectasia developing acutemyeloid leukemia. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28:213-4. (SCI: 32.956 in 2020) (*corresponding author)
  28. LeeWI, Huang JL, Jaing TH, WuKH, Chien YH, Chang KW. Clinical aspects and genetic analysisof Taiwanese patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein mutation: the firstidentification of x-linked thrombocytopenia in the Chinese with novelmutations. J ClinImmunol. 2010; 30:593-601.
  29. ChaoYH, Peng CT, Harn HJ, Chan CK, Wu KH*. Poor potential of proliferation anddifferentiation in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells derived from childrenwith severe aplastic anemia. Ann Hematol. 2010; 89:715-23. (*corresponding author)
  30. WangCH, Wu KH*,Yang YL, Peng CT, Wang RF, Tsai CW, Tsai RY, Lin DT, Tsai FJ, Bau DT.Association study of cyclooxygenase 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms andchildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Taiwan. Anticancer Res. 2010;30:3649-3653. (*equal contribution author)
  31. Yang YL, Lin SR, Chen JS, Hsiao CC, Lin KH, Sheen JM, Cheng CN, Wu KH, Lin SW, Yu SL, Chen HY,Lu MY, Chang HH, Yen CT, Lin JF, Su YH, Li YP, Lin CY, Jou ST, Lin DT.Multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction as diagnosticmolecular screening of 4 common fusion chimeric genes in Taiwanese childrenwith acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010; 32:323-30.   
  32. Chao YH, Tsai C, Peng CT, Wu HP, Chan CK, Weng TF, Wu KH*. Cotransplantation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stemcells to enhance engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells in patients withsevere aplastic anemia. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2010; 46:1391-2 (*corresponding author)
  33. Su BH, Wu KH, Lin HY, Lin MH, Peng CT, Tsai C. Umbilical cord-derivedmesenchymal stem cells for severe bronchpulmonary dysplasia. Pediatrics. 2011;26:1127-33. (equally author)
  34. Wu KH, Chan CK, Tsai C, Chang YH, Sieber Martin, Chiu TH, Ho M,Peng CT, Wu HP, Huang JL. Effectivetreatment of severe steroid-resistant acute graft-versus-host disease withumbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Transplantation. 2011; 91:1412-6.(Times Cited: 78 from Web of Science in 2020 )
  35. Yang WC, Chen JY, Wu KH,Wu HP. Acute onset of dizziness caused by a cavernous malformation lateralto the fourth ventricle: a case report. Pediatr Neonatol. 2011; 52:113-6.
  36. ChaoYH, Wu HP, Chiang IP, Peng CT, Yang YL, Wu KH*. Rhabdomyomatousdifferentiation in primary Wilms tumor and hepatic metastases afterchemotherapy and all-trans-retinoic acid in combination with interferon-α. PediatrBlood Cancer. 2011; 57:698-9. (*corresponding author)
  37. Yang YL, Hung CC, Chen JS, Lin KH, Jou ST, Hsiao CC,Sheen JM, Cheng CN, Wu KH,Lin SR, Yu SL, Chen HY, Lu MY, Wang SC, Chang HH, Lin SW, Su YN, Lin DT. IKZF1deletions predict a poor prognosis in children with B-cell progenitor acutelymphoblastic leukemia: a multicenter analysis in Taiwan. Cancer Sci. 2011; 102:1874-81.
  38. LeeWI*, Huang JL*, Jaing TH, Shyur SD, Yang KD, Chien YH, Chiang BL, Soong WJ,Chiou SS, Shieh CC, Lin SJ, Yeh KW, Chen LC, Ou LS, Yao TC, Lin TY, Chiu CH,Huang YC, Wu KH, Lin CY, YuHH, Yang YH, Yu HR, Yen HJ, Hsieh MY, Kuo ML, Hwu WL, Tsai YC, Kuo HC, Lin YL,Shih YF, Chang KW. Distribution,clinical features and treatment in Taiwanese patients with symptomatic primaryimmunodeficiency diseases (PIDs) in a nationwide population-based study during1985-2010. Immunobiology. 2011; 216:1286-94. (*corresponding author)
  39. Li YCChen CYHuang MYWu KHYang WCWu HP. Significantchange between primary and repeated serum laboratory tests at different timepoints in pediatric appendicitis. Eur J Emerg Med.2011; 19:395-9.
  40. Yin-Yi Chang C, Wu KH, Lin TY,Chang WC, Lin WC, Hung YC, Yeh LS. Vulvar yolk sac tumor mixed withembryonal carcinoma in a peri-pubertal girl: A case report. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2011; 50:503-5.
  41. Wang CH,Wu KH, Yang YL, Peng CT, Tsai FJ, Lin DT, Chiu CF, Lin CC, Bau DT.Association between ataxia telangiectasia mutated gene polymorphisms and childhoodleukemia in Taiwan. Chin J Physiol. 2011; 54:413-8.
  42. Chan CK, Wu KH, Lee SH, Hwang SM, Lee MS,Liao SK, Cheng EH, See LC, Tsai CN, Kuo ML, Huang JL. The comparison of interleukin-6 associated immunosuppressiveeffects of human ESCs, fetal-type MSCs, and adult-Type MSCs. Transplantion. 2012;94:132-8 (equally author)
  43. WengTF, Ho MW, Lin HC, Lu MY, Peng CT, Wu KH*. Successfultreatment of disseminated mixed invasive fungal infection after hematopoieticstem cell transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. Pediatr Transplant. 2012;16:35-8. (*corresponding author)
  44. Wu HPYang WC,Wu KHChen CYFu YC. Diagnosing appendicitis at different time pointsin children with right lower quadrant pain: comparison between pediatric appendicitisscore and the alvarado score. World JSurg. 2012; 36:216-21.
  45. Chen CYYang WCWu KHWu HP. Clinicaljudgment of children with first-attack seizures admitted to the ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2012Sep;30(7):1080-8.
  46. YangYL, Hsiao CC, Chen HY, Lin KH, Jou ST, Chen JS, Chang TK, Sheen JM, Yu SL, LuMY, Cheng CN, Wu KH, Wang SC,Wang JD, Chang HH, Lin SR, Lin SW, Lin DT. Absence of biallelic TCRγ deletion predictsintroduction failure and poorer outcomes in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblasticleukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012;58:846-51.
  47. ChaoYH, Wu HP, Chan CK, Tsai C, Peng CT, WuKH*. Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for HematopoieticStemCell Transplantation. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012;2012:759503.(*corresponding author)
  48. ChaoYH, Wu KH, Lu JJ, Shih MC, Peng CT, Chang CW. RBCalloimmunization among Chinese patients with β-thalassemia major in Taiwan.Blood Transfus. 2013;11:71-74.
  49. Wu KH,Tasi C, Wu HP, Sieber M, Chao YH, Peng CT. Human Application of Ex-VivoExpanded Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Enhance Hematopoiesisafter Cord Blood Transplantation. Cell Transplant. 2013;22:2041-51.
  50. Liu CH, Wu KH,Lin TY, Wei CC, Lin CY, Chen XX, Lee WI.Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome with IgA nephropathy: a case report andliterature review. Int Urol Nephrol. 2013; 45:1495-500.
  51. Wu KH,Wang SM, Wu HP, Weng T, Peng CT, Chao YH. Autologous cord blood transplantationin a child with stage 4 neuroblastoma. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2013;48:317-8.
  52. Lin WC, Lin CH, Wu HP, Lin HC, Wu KH*. Simultaneous Pulmonary and Inferior Vena Cava ThromboembolismSecondary to Pelvic Osteosarcoma. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol.2013;35:e320-2 (*correspondingauthor)
  53. Tamamyan G, Chao YH, Wang CH, Wu HP, Weng T, PengCT, Wu KH*. Dasatinib PlusChemotherapy to Achieve Full Donor Chimerism and Complete Molecular Remission ina Child with Relapsed Philadelphia Chromosome-positive Acute LymphoblasticLeukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2013;60:1727-1728 (*corresponding author)
  54. Chen CY, Zhao LL, Lin YR, Wu KH, Wu HP*. Different urinalysis appearancesin children with simple and perforated appendicitis. Am J Emerg Med. 2013; 31:1560-1563.
  55. Chao YH, Sheu JN, Chen SM, Wu KH*. Diagnostic Paracentesisin an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Child without Characteristic Symptoms ofPancreatitis. Journalof Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2013; 35:e47-e47. (*corresponding author)
  56. WC Yang, YR Lin, LL Zhao, YK Wu, YJ Chang, CYChen, KH Wu, HP Wu*. Epidemiologyof Pediatric Critically-ill Patients Presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department.Klinische Pediatrie. 2013;225:18-23.
  57. Sheu JN, WuKH, Chen SM, Tsai JD, Chao YH, Lue KH*. Acute 99mTc DMSA Scan PredictsDilating Vesicoureteral Reflux in Young Children With a First Febrile UrinaryTract Infection: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 2013;38:163-168.
  58. Wu KH, Sheu JN, Wu HP, Tsai C, Sieber M, Peng CT, Chao YH*. Cotransplantationof Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote HematopoieticEngraftment in Cord Blood Transplantation: A Pilot Study. Transplantation. 2013;95:773-7.
  59. Wang CH, Lai YL, Chang WS, Wu KH, Lane HY, Chiu CF, TsaiFJ, Lin CC, Bau DT. Significant Association of Caveolin-1 Single NucleotidePolymorphisms with Childhood Leukemia in Taiwan. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2013;10:75-79.
  60. Wu KH, Wu HP, Chan CK, Hwang SM, Peng CT, Chao YH.The Role ofMesenchymal Stem Cells in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: from Benchto Bedsides. Cell Transplant. 2013;22:723-729.  
  61. Chen CY, Lin YR, Zhao LL, Wu YK, Chang YJ,Yang WC, Wu KH, Wu HP. Epidemiologyand outcome analysis of children with traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrestcompared to nontraumatic cardiac arrest. Pediatr Surg Int. 2013; 29:471-477.
  62. Sun HL,Wu KH, Chen SM, Chao YH, Ku MS, Hung TW, Liao PF, Lue KH, Sheu JN. Roleof Procalcitonin in Predicting Dilating Vesicoureteral Reflux in Young ChildrenHospitalized. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013; 32:e348-e354.
  63. Chen CY, Lin YR, Zhao LL, Yang WC, Chang YJ, Wu KH, Wu HP. Clinical spectrumof rhabdomyolysis presented to pediatric emergency department. BMC Pediatrics. 2013;13:1-6.
  64. Lin WC, Lin CH, Chao YH, Lin HC, Chen PY, WuHP, Wu KH*. SimultaneousPulmonary and Inferior Vena Cava Thromboembolism Secondary to PelvicOsteosarcoma. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2013; 35:e320-e322. (*corresponding author)
  65. Chao YH, WuKH, Lin CY, Tsai MH, Peng CT, Wu HP, Lin CD. Audiologic and VestibularAssessment in Patients With β-Thalassemia Major Receiving Long-Term Transfusion Therapy. PediatrBlood Cancer. 2013;60:1963-6.  
  66. Wu KH, Chan CK, Chao YH, Peng CT, Huang JL. Clinical Considerationfor Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Transplantation.2013; 96:e86-e87.  
  67. Lin CY, Li MJ, Chang JG, Liu SC, Weng T, Wu KH, Yang SF, Huang FK, Lo WY,Peng CT. High-resolution melting analyses for genetic variants in ARID5B andIKZF1 with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia susceptibility loci inTaiwan. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2014; 2014:140-145.
  68. Chao YH, Wu HP, Wu KH#, Tsai YG, Peng CT, Lin KC, Chao WR, LeeMS, Fu YC. An increase in CD3+CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells after administrationof umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells during sepsis. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110338 (#equal contribution)
  69. Wu KH, Weng T, Wu HP, Peng CT, Sheu JN, Chao YH. Effectivetreatment of severe BK virus-associated hemorrhagic cystitis with leflunomidein children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a pilot study.Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014; 33:1193-5.
  70. Chao YH, WuKH#, Wu HP, Liu SC, Peng CT, Lee MS. Clinical features andmolecular analysis of Hb H disease in Taiwan. Biomed Res Int. 2014:271070. (#equalcontribution)
  71. Cho FN, Chang TH, Shu CW, Ko MC, Liao SK, Wu KH, Yu MS, Lin SJ, Hong YC,Chen CH, Hung CH, Chang YH. Enhanced cytotoxicity of natural killer cellsfollowing the acquisition of chimeric antigen receptors through trogocytosis.PLoS One. 2014;9:e109352.
  72. Chao YH, Wu KH#, Chiou SH, ChiangSF, Huang CY, Yang HC, Chan CK, Peng CT, Wu HP, Chow KC, Lee MS. DownregulatedCXCL12 expression in mesenchymal stem cells associated with severe aplasticanemia in children. Ann Hematol. 2015;94:13-22. (#equal contribution)
  73. Wu KH, Wu HP, Weng T, Peng CT, Chao YH. Dasatinib for a childwith Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia andpersistently elevated minimal residual disease during imatinib therapy. CurrOncol. 2015; 22:303-306.
  74. LiYC, Chen CY, Wu KH, Kuo HT,Wu HP. Recurrent Streptococcus Pneumoniae 23 Fmeningitis due to cerebrospinal fluid leakage fromthe ear cannel: a case report. BMC Pediatr. 2015;15:195.
  75. Lin CH, Lin WC, Lai IH, Wu SF, Wu KH, Chen AC. Pediatric gastric cancer presenting withmassive ascites. World J Gastroenterol. 2015;21:3409-13.
  76. Wu KH, Chao WR, Lo WY, Tseng PC, Lee CJ, Peng CT, Lee MS, WuHP, Chao YH. Time-Series Expression of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling in SepticMice Treated With Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Shock. 2016;45:634-40.
  77. YenHJ, Chang WH, Liu HC, Yeh TC, Hung GY, WuKH, Peng CT, Chang YH, Chang TK, Hsiao CC, Sheen JM, Chao YH, Chang TT,Chiou SS, Lin PC, Wang SC, Lin MT, Ho WL, Chen YC, Liang DC. Outcomes FollowingDiscontinuation of E. coli l-Asparaginase Upon Severe Allergic Reactions inChildren With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer.2016;63:665-70.
  78. Weng TF, Wu KH#, Wu HP, Peng CT, Chao YH. Changes of serum aspergillusgalactomannan during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children withprior invasive aspergillosis. Ital J Pediatr. 2016;42:30. (#equal contribution)
  79. Chen CY, Kuo HT, Chang YJ, Wu KH, Yang WC, Wu HP. Clinical assessment of children withrenal abscesses presenting to the pediatric emergency department. BMC Pediatr.2016;16:189.
  80. Wu KH, Wu HP, Lin HJ, Wang CH, Chen HY, Weng T, Peng CT, ChaoYH. Concurrent hypopituitarism and leukemic retinopathy in a child withB-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia and isolated central nervous systemrelapse. Curr Oncol. 2016;23:e431-4.
  81. Chuncharunee S, Wong R, Rojnuckarin P, Chang CS, ChangKM, Lu MY, Hwang WL, Koh LP, Chen TY, Leung AY, Norasetthada L, Wang SC, ChangMC, Wu KH, Issaragrisil S. Efficacyof rabbit antithymocyte globulin as first-line treatment of severe aplasticanemia: an Asian multicenter retrospective study. Int J Hematol.2016;104:454-61.
  82. Lin HC, Chao YH, WuKH, Yen TY, Hsu YL, Hsieh TH, Wei HM, Wu JL, Muo CH, Hwang KP, Peng CT,Lin CC, Li TC. Increased risk of herpes zoster in children with cancer: Anationwide population-based cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016; 95:e4037.
  83. Chan CK, Lin TC, Huang YA, Chen YS, Wu CL, Lo HY, Kuo ML,Wu KH*, Huang JL. Themodulation of Th2 immune pathway in the immunosuppressive effect of humanumbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in a murine asthmatic model. Inflamm Res.2016;65:795-801.(*corresponding author)
  84. Yang CA, Lin JA, Chang CW, Wu KH, Yeh SP, Ho CM, Chang JG. Selection of GP. Murantigen-negative RBC for blood recipients with anti-‘Mia ‘ records decreasestransfusion reaction rates in Taiwan. Transfus Med. 2016;26:349-354.
  85. Huang MY, Chen CY, Chien JH, Wu KH, Chang Y, Wu KH, Wu HP. SerumProcalcitonin and Procalcitonin Clearance as a Prognostic Biomarker in Patientswith Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Biomed Res Int. 2016;2016:1758501.
  86. Lin CH, Chao YH, WuKH, Lin WC. Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma at the carina of tracheapresenting with wheezing in an asthmatic child mimicking an attack of asthma: Acase report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95:e5292.
  87. Yang WC, Kuo HT, Lin CH, Wu KH, Chang YJ, Chen CY, Wu HP. Tympanic temperature versustemporal temperature in patients with pyrexia and chills. Medicine (Baltimore).2016;95:e5267.
  88. Wu HP, Lin CL, Chang YC, Wu KH, Lei RL, Peng CT, Weng T, Tai YM, Chao YH. Survivaland complication rates in patients with thalassemia major in Taiwan. PediatrBlood Cancer. 2017;64:135-8.
  89. Li MJ, Liu HC, Yen HJ, Jaing TH, Lin DT, Yang CP, Lin KH,Hung IJ, Jou ST, Lu MY, Hsiao CC, Peng CT, Chang TT, Wang SC, Lin MT, Chen JS,Chang TK, Hung GY, Wu KH,Yang YL, Chang HH, Chen SH, Yeh TC, Cheng CN, Lin PC, Chiou SS, Sheen JM, ChengSN, Chen SH, Chang YH, Ho WL, Chao YH, Chen RL, Chen BW, Wang JL, Hsieh YL,Liao YM, Yang SH, Chang WH, Chao YY, Liang DC. Treatment for childhood acutelymphoblastic leukemia in Taiwan: Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group ALL-2002study emphasizing optimal reinduction therapy and central nervous systempreventive therapy without cranial radiation. Pediatr Blood Cancer.2017;64:234-241.
  90. Sun KT, Huang YN, Palanisamy K, Chang SS, Wang IK, Wu KH, Chen P, Peng CT, Li CY. Reciprocalregulation of γ-globin expression by exo-miRNAs: Relevance to γ-globinsilencing in β-thalassemia major. Sci Rep. 2017;7:202.
  91. Wu HP, Lin MJ, Yang WC, Wu KH, Chen CY. Predictors of Extracorporeal MembraneOxygenation Support for Children with Acute Myocarditis. Biomed Res Int. 2017:2510695.
  92. Chang YH, Yu MS, WuKH, Hsu MC, Chiou YH, Wu HP, Peng CT, Chao YH. Effectiveness of ParenteralGlutamine on Methotrexate-induced Oral Mucositis in Children with AcuteLymphoblastic Leukemia. Nutr Cancer. 2017l;69:746-51.
  93. Yen HJ, Chen SH, Chang TY, Yang CP, Lin DT, Hung IJ, LinKH, Chen JS, Hsiao CC, Chang TT, Chang TK, Peng CT, Lin MT, Jaing TH, Liu HC,Jou ST, Lu MY, Cheng CN, Sheen JM, Chiou SS, Hung GY, Wu KH, Yeh TC, Wang SC, Chen RL, Chang HH, Yang YL, Chen SH,Cheng SN, Chang YH, Chen BW, Hsieh YL, Huang FL, Ho WL, Wang JL, Chang CY, ChaoYH, Lin PC, Chen YC, Liao YM, Lin TH, Shih LY, Liang DC. Pediatric acutelymphoblastic leukemia with t(1;19)/TCF3-PBX1 in Taiwan. Pediatr Blood Cancer.2017;64:e26557.
  94. Chao YH, Wu KH,Lin CW, Yang SF, Chao WR, Peng CT, Wu HP. PG2, a botanically derived drugextracted from Astragalus membranaceus, promotes proliferation andimmunosuppression of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells. JEthnopharmacol. 2017;207:184-91.
  95. Chao YH, Chang YC, Wu HP, Peng CT, Weng TF, Wu KH*. Everolimusfor pediatric patients with acute graft-versus-host disease after hematopoieticstem cell transplantation: A pilot study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96:e8464. (*corresponding author)
  96. Chao YH, Lin CW, Pan HH, Yang SF, Weng TF, Peng CT, Wu KH*. Increasedapoptosis and peripheral blood mononuclear cell suppression of bone marrow mesenchymalstem cells in severe aplastic anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018; e27247. (*corresponding author)
  97. Yeh TC, Liang DC, Hou JY, Jaing TH, Lin DT, Yang CP, PengCT, Hung IJ, Lin KH, Hsiao CC, Jou ST, Chiou SS, Chen JS, Wang SC, Chang TK, Wu KH, Sheen JM, Yen HJ, ChenSH, Lu MY, Li MJ, Chang TT, Huang TH, Chang YH, Chen SH, Yang YL, Chang HH,Chen BW, Lin PC, Cheng CN, Chao YH, Yang SH, Chao YY, Liu HC. Treatment ofchildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with delayed first intrathecal therapyand omission of prophylactic cranial irradiation: Results of the TPOG-ALL-2002study. Cancer. 2018;124:4538-4547.
  98. Lin CH, Chen X, Wu CC, Wu KH, Song TS, Weng TF, Hsieh YW, Peng CT. Therapeuticmechanism of combined oral chelation therapy to maximize efficacy of ironremoval in transfusion-dependent thalassemia major – a pilot study. Expert RevHematol. 2019;12:265-272.
  99. Wang HH, Liao LN, Chang CW, Chang YC, Wu KH, Ko JL. The alteration offerritin and transferrin saturation under body mass index and blood pressure infirst-time and regular male blood donors in Taiwan. Medicine (Baltimore).2019;98:e15854.
  100. Chen SH, Chen JS, Jou ST, Wu KH, Hung IJ, Sheen JM, Lu MY, Chen BW, Jaing TH, Wang SC,Lin MT, Chang TK, Liu HC, Yang CP. Outcome and prognosis of anaplastic largecell lymphoma in children: a report from the Taiwan Pediatric Oncology Group.Leuk Lymphoma. 2019;60:1942-1949.
  101. Chen CH, Wu KH,Chao YH, Weng DF, Chang JS, Lin CH. Clinical manifestation of pediatricmediastinal tumors, a single center experience. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98:e16732.
  102. Chao YH, Wu KH.Transfusion-related immunomodulation in pediatric patients. Pediatr Neonatol.2019;60:483-484.
  103. Yu CH, Chang WT, Jou ST, Lin TK, Chang YH, Lin CY, LinKH, Lu MY, Chen SH, Wu KH,Wang SC, Chang HH, Su YN, Hung CC, Lin DT, Chen HY, Yang YL. TP53 alterationsin relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Sci. 2020;111:229-238.
  104. Wu KH, Cheng CC, Li JP, Weng TF, Yang SF, Pan HH, Chao YH.Toll-like receptor signalling associated with immunomodulation of umbilicalcord–derived mesenchymal stem cells in mice with systemic lupus erythematosus.Lupus. 2020;29:165-175.
  105. Hsia NY, Lin CJ, Lin HJ, Wu KH. Foveal photoreceptors loss and then recovery aftertreatment in a chronic myelogenous leukemia patient. Pediatr Hematol Oncol.2020;37:545-548.
  106. Yu CH, Lin TK, Jou ST, Lin CY, Lin KH, Lu MY, Chen SH,Cheng CN, Wu KH, Wang SC,Chang HH, Li MJ, Ni YL, Su YN, Lin DT, Chen HY, Harrison CJ, Hung CC, Lin SW,Yang YL. MLPA and DNA index improve the molecular diagnosis of childhood B-cellacute lymphoblastic leukemia. Sci Rep. 2020;10:11501.
  107. Yu SL, Zhang H, Ho BC, Yu CH, Chang CC, Hsu YC, Ni YL,Lin KH, Jou ST, Lu MY, Chen SH, Wu KH,Wang SC, Chang HH, Pui CH, Yang JJ, Zhang J, Lin DT, Lin SW, Ma X, Yang YL.FPGS relapse-specific mutations in relapsed childhood acute lymphoblasticleukemia. Sci Rep. 2020;10:12074.
  108. Chuang TY, Li JP, Weng TF, Wu KH, Chao YH. Combined chelation with high-dosedeferiprone and deferoxamine to improve survival and restore cardiac functioneffectively in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia presentingsevere cardiac complications. Ann Hematol. 2020 Jul 31. in press

•Cell transplantation
•Annals of Hematology
•Stem Cells International, Acta Haematologica
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•Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
•Pediatrics and Neonatology.