

  • 急診醫學部致力提昇醫療品質,積極改善軟硬體設施,以培育優秀急診專科醫師,在以病患為中心的努力下,受到急診專科醫師訓練醫院、醫學中心評鑑及急救責任醫院重度級的肯定。急診「里程碑」(milestone)
  • 本部提供完善設備及舒適安全的環境, 101 年中己完成急診部擴建工程。具有兒科獨立診療室、內、外、婦科診療室6間,另設急救區、4個觀察區(內、外、兒科)、內化負壓隔離室1間、會談室、會議室等。另外,急診部備有符合醫學中心標準之急救設備與器材。且血管攝影、核磁共振MRI、電腦斷層CT等皆與急診部毗鄰,病患檢查方便且診斷處置效率高。
  • 急診是內、外、兒分組合作的醫療,每班由四位主治醫師輪值看診,院內其他各科(內、外、兒、婦產、眼、耳鼻喉、皮膚、神經、精神、口腔醫學等各科)亦提供 24 小時支援會診。從急門診服務、急診觀察醫療、性侵害、家暴及緊急醫療事件之處置及照護(本院為緊急醫療網之責任醫院),提供完整及全天候醫療服務。


  • 醫護同仁為精益求精,每年皆依院內人員專業領域之不同,分組進行最新版之技能教育訓練(高級心臟救命術、基礎心臟救命術、一般急救員技能、高級小兒急救術、急診創傷訓練、災難應變等教學),並進行實際演練。
  • 急診部除了提供緊急醫療服務,更著眼於致命性急症的「高死亡率」、「高時效性」、「多專科整合醫療的必要性」,特別針對「急性腦中風」、「急性冠狀動脈心臟病」及「嚴重創傷」成立快速反應診斷及處置團隊。如急性心肌梗塞病患,全天候24小時皆可進行心導管檢查及擴張治療(除病情特殊外,急診部可於病患到院後一小時內將其送至心導管室);急性出血性腦中風病患,如病情需要,腦神經外科醫師可隨時待命手術;針對嚴重創傷病患,除創傷團隊待命緊急手術外,可立即安排加護病房進行照護,其中亦有多例重症病患使用體外心臟循環機(葉克膜,ECMO)而成功挽回生命的奇蹟案例,成效卓著。
  • Our medical personnel are striving for excellency. According to the various professional fields of the medical personnel in the hospital, the latest version of medical skills education training will be carried out annually by dividing into various teams including Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), basic life support (BLS),general first aid skills, Pediatric advanced life support (PALS), Advanced trauma life support (ATLS), Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) and etc. Actual drill of those training programs will be conducted thereafter.
  • In addition to providing emergency medical services, the emergency department is more focused on”high mortality rate”, “high efficiency and timely manner” and “the importance of multi disciplinary integrated medical care” for critical emergencies,especially for “Acute strokes team” and “Acute coronary heart disease team” and”Critical trauma team” are set up for rapid response diagnosis and treatment.
  • For patients with acute myocardial infarction, cardiac catheterization and dilatation can be performed24 hours a day (except for severe condition, theemergency department can send the patient to the cardiac catheterization room within one hour after arriving in the hospital); For Acute hemorrhagic stroke patients, if it is necessary for the illness, standby neurosurgeons can perform neurosurgery anytime. For severely traumatizedpatients, in addition to the emergency surgery by the trauma team, critical care can be arranged by the intensive care unit immediately. By applying Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), many critically ill patients were save dmiraculously and successfully. And the results were outstanding and inspiring.
  • Beyond hospital, we reach out to local communities. Emergency training programs were organized in the communities, factories and schools. In collaboration with public health bureau, “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation of thousands” and various courses were carried out to provide knowledge about emergency aid and disaster management skills to the public. Looking forward to our efforts and dedication in emergency medical positions, the mission of protecting the health of the people in the central region of Taiwan can be achieved.
